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Designing the new play area: We do the first draft without charge. That will include a complete plan diagram with photos and a line item quote for all related cost. Expenses may be applied for site visits according varying distance from our home office in Connecticut.
Make a List about these following questions.
*What are the features you like about your existing play environment. Including natural elements and play features.
*What are the features that give you concern about existing play environment such as Access, arrangement safety and aging issues.
*What are the features have you come across that excite you and that you would like to see included in your new play environment.
We customize our designs to each environment.
The more you list the more complete the design. We like to know what is most important to you to best design the space we are working with.
Look at our photo galleries :Our photo galleries are full of features inspired by all the different wishes and environments of clients we have worked with.
Contact us at: or 203 376 2108 and we will be happy to go over ideas, information and questions about the implementation process.
Planning and Budgeting
We design the entire play environment to your needs. We lay out the complete design as a guide to be installed all at ounce or in stages.
To keep on site installation to a minimum environment design pre- fabricates parts and unites in our facility and delivers them to the site ready to go.
* Project installation times on site will vary according to the extent of the project. Average early child hood programs have 30 young people and up to 60.
* Renovation of the outdoor play areas for these programs on average can be 8 to 12 days.
Some of the factors are:
*Are we renovating using some existing paly features or are we doing a complete removal and replacement.
*Are we installing 2-6 play areas or including infant toddler play areas.
*Safety Base material: wood fiber or recycled bonded rubber.
Because we do the entire project from planning, pre-fabrication, site work, delivery and installation we have been very efficient with our costs.
The average budgets can range as well.
*For renovations for 30 young people cost have been 40,000 to 60,000.
*For renovations for 60 young people including 2-6 and infant toddler areas, cost have been 60,000 to 120,000.
*Safety Base material (Included in the budgets I have stated), can vary very much between the cost of wood fiber and recycled bonded rubber which is almost 10 times the cost of wood fiber.
Detailed considerations to design your own play space.
To Start: If possible obtain a plot plan of the area under
consideration. And / or build a list of the following criteria.
- Consider aspects of the existing environment
- Sun- shade
- Exits and entrances
- View points
- Useful natural features
- Natural gathering spots
- Evaluate existing equipment and arrangement
- What equipment does and doesn’t works for you
- Size and shape of space usage
- Location of types of activity. (Consult site layout example for more detail)
- Active play with high motion: slides, swings, and climbs
- Intermediate motion play: crossings bridges, balance, and crawl through
- Interactive passive play: play vehicles, talk tubes, music walls, spring toys
- Social play: interactive sand digs, water play, interactive bike tracks
- Open space: ball games, central viewpoint, group gathering
- Passive Space: group and single seating, garden spots, open shaded places
- Age appropriate areas; infant toddler, 3-5 Groups, 6 and up